Mudanças entre as edições de "SCC-5836(Rminghim)"

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(Uma revisão intermediária por um outro usuário não está sendo mostrada)
Linha 6: Linha 6:
Horário de atendimento/Office Hours: Terças-feiras a partir das 16h
Horário de atendimento/Office Hours: Terças-feiras a partir das 16h
Sala/Office:  3-160
Sala/Office:  3-162
Linha 51: Linha 51:
** Summarize THREE papers related to the Visualization talks of Aug.21st by the doctorate candidates José Gustavo S. Paiva, Aretha B. Alencar, and Robscon C. Motta. On Paiva´s work, summarize ONE of the two papers he mentioned. See [[Mí|bibtex file here]]. Since Aretha´s work and Robson´s work are, as yet, unpublished, you are required to search for ONE visualization paper on '''Time varying visualization of textual documents''' and ONE visualization paper on '''Evaluation of Visualization Techniques''' to summarize. Add the new material to your web page of the first assignment, and the bibtex entry to the bib file you have already created in your first assignment. Alternatively, create another web page with the new summaries, but keep the .bib file cumulative. Send the link  to your result by e-mail to the Google group of the course. Please pay attention to the instructions that were sent on the group´s e-mail related to work identification at the top of your summary.
** Summarize THREE papers related to the Visualization talks of Aug.21st by the doctorate candidates José Gustavo S. Paiva, Aretha B. Alencar, and Robscon C. Motta. On Paiva´s work, summarize ONE of the two papers he mentioned. See [[Mí|bibtex file here]]. Since Aretha´s work and Robson´s work are, as yet, unpublished, you are required to search for ONE visualization paper on '''Time varying visualization of textual documents''' and ONE visualization paper on '''Evaluation of Visualization Techniques''' to summarize. Add the new material to your web page of the first assignment, and the bibtex entry to the bib file you have already created in your first assignment. Alternatively, create another web page with the new summaries, but keep the .bib file cumulative. Send the link  to your result by e-mail to the Google group of the course. Please pay attention to the instructions that were sent on the group´s e-mail related to work identification at the top of your summary.
** '''Deadline''': 04.09, via e-mail to Viscomp2012 google group.
** '''Deadline''': 04.09, via e-mail to Viscomp2012 google group.
** '''Resultado Felipe Duarte''': [ ].  
** '''Resultado Felipe Duarte''': [ ].  
** '''Resultado Markus Diego''': [ ].  
** '''Resultado Markus Diego''': [ ].  

Edição atual tal como às 16h21min de 11 de novembro de 2012

SCC-5836 - Visualização Computacional

Professor: Haim Levkowitz (haim at

Horário de atendimento/Office Hours: Terças-feiras a partir das 16h

Sala/Office: 3-162

Professora: Rosane Minghim (rminghim at

Horário de atendimento: Segundas-feiras 16:00 às 19:00

Sala: 4-206

Material 2012





  • 1. Para o primeiro artigo a ser resumido (veja item 1. da avaliação na Ementa e transparência sobre avaliação na aula introdutória):

  • 2. For the second assignment of papers to be summarized:
    • Summarize THREE papers related to the Visualization talks of Aug.21st by the doctorate candidates José Gustavo S. Paiva, Aretha B. Alencar, and Robscon C. Motta. On Paiva´s work, summarize ONE of the two papers he mentioned. See bibtex file here. Since Aretha´s work and Robson´s work are, as yet, unpublished, you are required to search for ONE visualization paper on Time varying visualization of textual documents and ONE visualization paper on Evaluation of Visualization Techniques to summarize. Add the new material to your web page of the first assignment, and the bibtex entry to the bib file you have already created in your first assignment. Alternatively, create another web page with the new summaries, but keep the .bib file cumulative. Send the link to your result by e-mail to the Google group of the course. Please pay attention to the instructions that were sent on the group´s e-mail related to work identification at the top of your summary.
    • Deadline: 04.09, via e-mail to Viscomp2012 google group.
    • Resultado Felipe Duarte: [2].
    • Resultado Markus Diego: [3].
    • Resultado Renato M. Mello: [4].
    • Resultado Pedro Henrique: [5].
    • Resultado Adriano Barbosa: [6].
    • Resultado Martha Dais: [7].
    • Resultado Francisco Fatore: [8].
    • Resultado Cleber Castro: [9].
    • Resultado Marcos Sandim: [10].
    • Resultado Gabriel Cantareira: [11].

Material Didático / Lecture Slides


  • [Card, Mackinlay, & Shneiderman 1999] Card, S. K., Mackinlay, J. D., and

Shneiderman, B. (eds.). Readings in Information Visualization: Using Vision to Think. Morgan Kaufman, 1999. (ISBN 1-55860-533-9.)

  • [Chen 2004] Chen, C. Information visualization beyond the horizon.

2nd ed. London, Springer, 2004 New York

  • [Grisntein & Levkowitz] Grinstein, G. G. and Levkowitz, H. Perception Issues in

Visualization. Springer-Verlang 1995 (ISBN 0-387-58096-4.)

  • [Levkowitz (various years)] Levkowitz, H. Perception for Visualization: from Design to

Evaluation (Tutorials in various Visualization and SIGGRAPH conferences.)

  • [Levkowitz (1997)] Levkowitz, H. Color in Computer Graphics, Visualization, and

Multimedia Applications. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997 (ISBN 0-7923-9928-5)

  • [de Oliveira & Levkowitz 2003] de Oliveira, M. C. F. and Levkowitz, H. “From Visual

Data Exploration to Visual Data Mining: A Survey.” IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics., 9(3), July-September 2003.

  • [Schroeder, Martin, and Lorenson 2002] Schroeder, W.J.; Martin, K.; Lorensen, W. The

Visualization Toolkit - An Object-Oriented Approach to 3D Graphics, 3rd Edition, Kitware 2002. (ISBN 1-930934-07-6.)

  • [Spence 2001] Spence, R.. Information Visualization. Addison-Wesley 2001. (ISBN 0-


  • [Ward, Grinstein, Keim 2010] Ward, M., Grinstein, G. G., Keim, D. Interactive

data visualization foundations, techniques, and applications. Natick, Mass., A K Peters, 2010.

  • [Ware 2000] Ware, C. Information Visualization: Perception for Design. Academic Press

2000. (ISBN 1-55860-511-8.)

  • [Telea 2008] Telea, A. Data Visualization – Principles and Practice, A.K.Peters, 2008.
  • Bibliografia dos slides.
  • Texto disponíveis no site.

Links Interessantes/Interessting links

Google Group for this course

Material do Ano Passado/Last year´s link

Disciplina de Visualização em outras universidades

Recursos online

Material 2010



Apresentações e Monografias

Material Didático

Bibliografia Principal

  • MINGHIM, R.; OLIVEIRA, M. C. F.; JAI 03 -“Uma Introdução à Visualização Computacional”, JAI’97 - Jornadas de Atualização em Informática, XVII Congresso da SBC, Brasília, 2 a 8 de Agosto de 1997, pp.85-131. Lembre-se: é de 1997!!
  • SCHROEDER, W.J.; MARTIN, K.; LORENSEN, W. - The Visualization Toolkit - An Object-Oriented Approach to 3D Graphics, Prentice-Hall, 4ª edição 2006.
  • Telea, A. Data Visualization – Principles and Practice, A.K.Peters, 2008.
  • Bibliografia dos slides.
  • Texto disponíveis no site.

Links Interessantes

Disciplina de Visualização em outras universidades

Recursos online

Horarios da aula: Teste com usuario

  • 8 hrs: Laura, Frizzi, Gladys, serique@icmc.
  • 9 hrs: Erick, Ivar, Thiago, Orlando

Local: Sala 6-304.

Data: Quinta feira, 21 de outubro 2010.