Mudanças entre as edições de "SCC-5836 2013(paulovich)"

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(Datas Importantes)
Linha 29: Linha 29:
  * Exploration of Networks Using Overview+Detail with Constraint-based Cooperative Layout. Tim Dwyer, Kim Marriott, Falk Schreiber, Peter J. Stuckey, Michael Woodward and Michael Wybrow. InfoVis 2008
  * Exploration of Networks Using Overview+Detail with Constraint-based Cooperative Layout. Tim Dwyer, Kim Marriott, Falk Schreiber, Peter J. Stuckey, Michael Woodward and Michael Wybrow. InfoVis 2008
  * Rapid Graph Layout Using Space Filling Curves. Chris Muelder and Kwan-Liu Ma, Senior Member, IEEE. InfoVis 2008
  * Rapid Graph Layout Using Space Filling Curves. Chris Muelder and Kwan-Liu Ma, Senior Member, IEEE. InfoVis 2008
* Fábio Rodrigues Jorge
* VAICo: Visual Analysis for Image Comparison.
* Interactive Exploration of Surveillance Video through Action Shot Summarization and Trajectory Visualization.
* Open-Box Spectral Clustering: Applications to Medical Image Analysis.
=== <font color = "blue"> Material de Aula </font>===
=== <font color = "blue"> Material de Aula </font>===

Edição das 18h46min de 21 de outubro de 2013

SCC5836 - Visualização Computacional

  • Local: Sala 3-011 - Horário: Ter. 13:00hs - 16:00hs
  • Prof. Fernando V. Paulovich; paulovic [arroba]; Sala: 3-243


  • Fazer análise de algum conjunto de dados usando o Gapminder. Levante uma hipótese, comprove ou refute. Discussão dos resultados (20/08/2013)

Datas Importantes

  • 12/11/2013 e 19/11/2013 - seminários
  • 26/11/2013 - prova


  • Jorge Henrique
* Content Based Graph Visualization of Audio Data for Music Library Navigation. Muelder, C., T. Provan, e Kwan-Liu Ma. 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM)
* Edge Compression Techniques for Visualization of Dense Directed Graphs. Tim Dwyer, Nathalie Henry Riche, Kim Marriott, Christopher Mears. InfoVis 2013
* Interactive Level-of-Detail Rendering of Large Graphs. Michael Zinsmaier    Ulrik Brandes    Oliver Deussen    Hendrik Strobelt. InfoVis 2012
* Geometry-Based Edge Clustering for Graph Visualization. Weiwei Cui, Hong Zhou, Huamin Qu, Pak Chung Wong, and Xiaoming Li. InfoVis 2008
* Exploration of Networks Using Overview+Detail with Constraint-based Cooperative Layout. Tim Dwyer, Kim Marriott, Falk Schreiber, Peter J. Stuckey, Michael Woodward and Michael Wybrow. InfoVis 2008
* Rapid Graph Layout Using Space Filling Curves. Chris Muelder and Kwan-Liu Ma, Senior Member, IEEE. InfoVis 2008
  • Fábio Rodrigues Jorge
* VAICo: Visual Analysis for Image Comparison.
* Interactive Exploration of Surveillance Video through Action Shot Summarization and Trajectory Visualization.
* Open-Box Spectral Clustering: Applications to Medical Image Analysis.

Material de Aula