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Strategies to Bring More Repeat Visitors to Your Site

As an Internet marketer one of the most important things that you need to realize is the value of getting new customers. It is however important to leverage your existing customer base to help generate new customers. Similarly, it's better to make your site sticky in such a way that you keep having repeat visitors, instead of always putting in the effort to get new visitors. Use these three tips to help you make a sticky site as described above.

Probably the most important aspect you need to keep in mind when developing your website to the appeal of consumers is to keep the design consistent. Your layout needs to stay consistent throughout your site. This happens when a person visits your site and after visiting several pages on your site the layout changes and they become disconnected or off track even confused.

Keep the design uniform so the confusion is less likely. 2) Use high resolution graphics on your site, if you're using graphics at all. You have to pay extra attention to this advice if you're using images to help sell your products. Poorly designed or low resolution graphics will not give your visitors a positive feeling about your site. This can make your whole site seem unprofessional, so it's worth paying attention to. If you have to, outsource this by finding a qualified designer who can give your site a great look. Having a well designed site is one of the most important elements in getting visitors to return, so this isn't an area where you should compromise.

3) The key to getting return visitors is to have a site with features that are compelling and a little addicting. This means that along with a good design and quality content, you should have elements on your site that pull the user back. You can, for example, have polls and quizzes on your site, and you can request visitors' feedback on various matters. A discussion forum is the perfect way to make your site sticky. Aside from giving your visitors a reason to constantly return to your site, you also get a steady supply of content. The above are some of the more effective ways to motivate your visitors to make your site a regular online hangout. Your website has to make a great overall impression on visitors if they're going to remember it, recommend it to others and keep coming back. While you can profit from new people visiting your site, your long term profits are most helped by a growing number of loyal returning visitors, so you should give people every possible reason to come back.

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